Photo of attorneys Ruemmele and Hayes walking outside
Photo of attorneys Ruemmele and Hayes walking outside

Over 50 Years of Experience

Our collaborative approach allows us to see a case from various angles to identify all legal defenses.

Serious Criminal Defense Lawyers In Indiana

Has your life recently been turned upside down by a criminal charge? The stakes are high when you have been accused of a crime or are the subject of a government investigation. You need an experienced attorney with the criminal law skills to protect your constitutional rights and help navigate the prosecution world.

Our lawyers at Hayes Ruemmele LLC are committed to aggressively defending you. They have defended clients in state and federal courts, grand jury investigations and administrative proceedings throughout Indiana.

A Team Approach To Criminal Defense

Our team approach means that you will work with both of our criminal defense attorneys during your case. They are experienced litigators with a combined legal experience of more than 50 years and more than 100 major jury trials. We believe in the Constitution and the rights it enshrines. You should not have to stand in court alone, and we will be there for you at each step.

We represent clients accused of both state and federal crimes, including:

We recognize the high stakes involved and take our responsibility very seriously. We are devoted to you and will assure you a fair court hearing.

We Are Here For You

Are you facing criminal charges in Indianapolis or elsewhere across the state of Indiana? Call 317-978-9779 or send us a message to schedule a meeting with our lawyers. An initial consultation is free of charge.